Author: Don Brazier

  • Storm Tactics on Wharram Catamarans

    Storm Tactics on Wharram Catamarans

    Wharram catamarans are well known for their seaworthiness and hundreds have been cruising the oceans of the World for nearly 50 years. As can be expected, many encountered storms during their voyaging, some were unlucky enough to encounter very severe ones and even cyclones and hurricanes. Don Brazier, Wharram agent in New Zealand and owner/builder…

  • The Katipo Voyage

    The Katipo Voyage

    Sailing 5,500 miles from New Zealand to some of the South Pacific islands and back on a Narai MK IV. It was not a good day May 16th 2011. I had been preparing my 41 foot Narai for months. We were all loaded up and victuals were stowed, we had checked out with customs and…
