Is this a bad idea

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Anonymous (not verified)
Is this a bad idea
I'm looking to move a Pahi31 and I'm thinking about using a 22ft flatbed truck. That leaves 9ft of boat that's not on the truck. Anybody have experience or ideas on how to do a Pahi31 move. It will have to travel 180miles. Thanks Chris
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Is this a bad idea
I should think it would be strong enough to take it, assuming the hulls are in good shape. What may be a good idea to save some strain is to make a bracket of some type to come off the back of the truck to take some of the overhang. The weight is probably not going to be an issue for a 22' flatbed truck, but consider that a lot of it will be on the rear wheels. Also, you'll need some flags for the extended load.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Is this a bad idea
The issue is I think the position of the rear axle of the truck. If it is half way back the bed you will be carrying ton and a half approx 4ft behind pivot with poss.whip issues. If axle is 6ft from rear weight will be over axle and quite steady. A simple pair of support cradles plenty of old carpet you should be OK . The bows will need to be really well tightened down perhaps temp. bow net beam 6"x4" cargo straps and ratchet. A strap over the bows could result in broken bulkwarks?? Ask the driver how he feels about carrying ton and a half 16ft back on the bed or are you the driver?? Seamus