Pahi Beam & Hatches

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Anonymous (not verified)
Pahi Beam & Hatches
After initially falling in love with the Pahi 26, I eventually decided to build a Tiki 21 next year. Still, thoughts of the Pahi (with gaff wing sail) still linger, so before I close out all hope on them for ever, I just wanted to ask you good people a couple of quick questions. 1. Could anyone tell me of any problems with extending the overall beam of the Pahi, to the same as the Tiki 26? (ie - using Tiki 26 beams) 2. Those big hatches directly over the bunks have always had me wondering. Is anyone aware of possible improvements to making the hatches absolutely watertight/secure/bomb-proof? Anyway, hoping someone can point me in the right direction and put me out of my misery, one way or the other. Thanks. SD