outrigger canoes

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Tim Anderson is a wonderful exponent of the sailing outrigger canoes. I first encountered Tim while searching for polynesian/micronesian canoe info: he was in Sulawesi (former Celebes Island, Eastern Indonesia) with the Bugi, measuring up one of the Bugi canoes. Here he is sailing his version in the Santa Barbara Channel, on his way to the Channel Islands. These waters are not for the faint of heart. [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1bpNxDSoWg&feature=channel[/url] Full rig in a northwest gale: [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1Q1ljmcSNk[/url] Sailing along under a brailed rig in a full gale with 7-8' following seas: [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6bMnAty8j4[/url] [img]http://www.instructables.com/image/FW3T4ODG0GBN6NQ/Trip-Log-Outrigger-Ca...