Ruth Wharram Collections

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Ruth Wharram has finally found time to put together a collection of her articles, newletters and diaries, ranging from Living Aboard the “Tangaroa” in 1955 to more recent letters while voyaging in 1994-1997. It is a facinating booklet telling the most amazing stories of her adventures.

You can order this booklet from our webshop – it is thoroughly recommended!

Ruth Wharram on the deck of a beached catamaran
Ruth in Deganwy, North Wales, 1968
Black and white photo of Ruth on Tangaroa
Ruth in 1956 in Spain
Black and white photo of James and Ruth
Ruth in 1954 while building Tangaroa

German born Ruth shared many early pioneering voyages with James. A writer, photographer and first class navigator she made 7 Atlantic crossings, endured a severe gale crossing the Tasman Sea, sailed half way round the world on Spirit of Gaia and made innumerable coastal voyages by catamarans. Her adventures started in the early 1950s and have continued throughout her life.

Ruth and Hanneke aboard Tahiti Wayfarer
Ruth at 86 years old sailing on the Tahiti Wayfarer in Restronguest Creek


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