Deganwy – Now And Then

Home News Deganwy – Now And Then

A Visit Into The History Of Wharram

In April James and Hanneke traveled to North Wales and visited the site where Rongo, the first multihull to cross the Atlantic from West to East, was moored on the beach in Deganwy (1964-1969) and Tehini was built on the end of Deganwy pier (1968-69).

This is where Hanneke first met James and Ruth in 1967 at the age of 13 on a visit with her family. What happened after, is history.

Things have changed in Deganwy as the photos show. Where there was a lovely, friendly, free beach with boats and sheds, there now is a marina and lots of expensive houses. Sad really, those places will have to stay as memories only. Only the iconic hills and a few houses in the background are recognizable.

The Building and Sailing of Tehini

This film by Ruth Wharram documents the building of the Tehini in Deganwy, before she became James’ home for the next 12 years. It also follows the Wharram team aboard the Tehini on their trips to North Spain and Amsterdam.


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