Professionally Built Boats

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A Parallel Stream Of Development

Most of you know us as the producers of quality Polynesian Catamaran designs for the self-builder. We are still very much developing and improving our designs for those who want to self-build their own boat. Over the years however, we have had numerous requests for James Wharram Designs to branch out into producing boats for those of you who want to buy a quality finished boat from a professional builder, rather than build one yourself.

Our franchised builders can build any of our self-build design range, but there now are several special Wharram designs that are only available professionally built.

The move into “professionally built” designs required a philosophical analysis on our part, as in the past we have always focused on the Self Builder. We knew that some would accuse us of “moving away from our traditional market” or perhaps “abandoning our principles”. Even so, after much soul searching, we decided to proceed. We see it as opening up a parallel stream of development, rather than shutting off our current one. Having a range of professionally built Wharram designs will, we believe, enhance the reputation and value of all our well built designs.

We believe that it is important to have a range of professionally built Wharram catamarans to support the continued development of this type of craft in an increasingly restrictive and bureaucratic building and sailing environment. In so doing, the issue of enforcing high building standards became paramount, so that clients of professional boat builders would be delivered the same quality Wharram boat, or better, as we established with the Tiki 28 and 36 in our professional “Wharram Built” yard in Cornwall in 1987-1992.

NB. Only Wharram franchised yards have the rights to build Wharram catamarans for the open market. All self-build Plans give the owner/amateur builder the rights to self-build the design and cannot be used by a yard to sell Wharram catamarans without a franchise agreement with James Wharram Designs.

Please note that the franchise agreement for Seascape (Phuket, Thailand) to build Wharram catamarans has now ended. Seascape is therefore not currently endorsed to build Wharram catamarans as part of the JWD professional builder family.

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Tiki 8m

Blue Tiki 8m sailed by two people, trees in background

The TIKI 8m is an updated, composite fiberglass version of the popular ply-epoxy Tiki 26. With its spacious cockpit and simple, functional interior layout, this versatile, trailable, seaworthy boat is perfect for day sailing, overnight adventures or several weeks of Coastal Trekking. It also makes a good beach charter boat. Can be car trailed.

The Tiki 8m is built in GRP, so cannot be self-built as it requires moulds. We are currently looking for a new professional builder for this design.

Read more about Tiki 8m Tiki 8m Photo Gallery Tiki 8m Videos

Tama Moana

Tama Moana sailing past a smoking volcano

The 38ft (11.5m) Tama Moana – Child of The Sea is a pure Ethnic Design. Although available for the self-builder, we have included it in this list as its simplicity makes it a very economical boat to have ready-built.

Two Tama Moana designs sailed the Lapita Voyage from the Philippines to Tikopia and Anuta in 2008-9, where they were donated to the island populations who are now using them as their autonomous transport.

Andy Smith Boatworks of the Philippines has the exclusive rights for the building of Tama Moana – Child of the Sea.

Tama Moana Building Plans Tama Moana Study Plan Tama Moana Photo Gallery Tama Moana Videos

Pahi 52

Blue and white Pahi 52 gleaming in the sunshine against a backdrop of steep rocks

Many discerning sailors want the PAHI style, ‘flexi space’ interior layout in a larger craft as well as the comfort of toilets, showers, a deck steering shelter and a galley sufficient for 6-8 people. So, for them we designed the PAHI 52. The Pahi 52 has also been specially adapted as a luxury skippered charter boat for Archipel Club.

From 2014 this design is only available professionally built by Andy Smith Boatworks in the Philippines.

Read more about Pahi 52 Pahi 52 Study Plan Pahi 52 Photo Gallery Pahi 52 Videos

Islander 39

Islander 39 3D drawing

Eco charter catamaran.

A sailor of a certain age will know that with wooden hull(s), canvas sails, natural fibre ropes, at one time, all sailboats were ‘Eco Craft’. Sailors of that era adapted themselves to sailing and living aboard their simple boats.

The Islander 39 is designed to encourage Modern sailors to personally adapt themselves to sailing a simple boat, rather than using large amounts of Energy to adapt the boat to the ‘needs’ of affluent Urban Man.

This design is only available professionally built by Andy Smith Boatworks.

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Islander 55

Islander 55 at the beach

The Islander 55 is a smaller version of the islander 65 and is eminently suitable for charter use or as a large ocean cruiser. Her interior can again be simple flexispace, or she can have up to 5 separate double charter cabins.

The Pahi 52 and the Islander 55 and 65 are large designs and we have found from experience that these are frequently too large to self-build within an acceptable timescale. Their sheer size also makes it difficult for just one or two people to tackle the building. For this reason these designs are for professional building only.

Andy Smith Boatworks are the exclusive builders of the Islander 55 design.

Read more about Islander 55 Islander 55 Photo Gallery Islander 55 Videos

Islander 65

Rear view of Islander 65, wind in the sails, blue and cloudy sky

The Islander 65 ‘Vaka Motu’ was originally designed in 2000 as an island-hopping cargo/passenger/trading vessel. With her 10 ton load carrying ability, she is also a very suitable vessel for expedition work, charter or as a dive boat.

Her interior can be either simple flexispace with cargo holds, keeping the cost of the vessel down, or with various options of cabin accommodation. With a waterline hull beam/length ratio of 12:1 (11:1 deeply loaded), she will move through the water with minimum wave drag at speeds of 1.50 x vWLL plus, giving easy 24 hours averages of 150 to 200 miles (more if driven in ideal sailing conditions).

The Pahi 52 and the Islander 55 and 65 are large designs and we have found from experience that these are frequently too large to self-build within an acceptable timescale. Their sheer size also makes it difficult for just one or two people to tackle the building. For this reason these designs are for professional building only.

Andy Smith Boatworks are the exclusive builders of the Islander 65 design.

Read more about Islander 65 Islander 65 Photo Gallery

Our Professional Builder: Andy Smith Boatworks

The Andy Smith Boatworks crew, posing for a photo under two large catamaran hulls

Andy Smith has a long standing relationship with James Wharram Designs and meets our standards for excellence, beginning as a JWD apprentice in the 1980s and later becoming manager of the ‘Wharram Built’ Yard in Cornwall (1989), building the Tiki 28 and Tiki 36 designs. Andy has exclusive rights for the professional building of the Ethnic design the Tama Moana (this design is however also available for self-building). The yard also has the exclusive building rights for the Islander 55 and Islander 65 designs, which are only available professionally built.

Andy Smith specializes in ply-epoxy-glass, strip-plank and double-diagonal ply construction methods.

Andy Smith Boatworks has a close relationship with James Wharram Designs, where we will assist the Wharram boat customer with their choice of design and handle any design queries or modifications. It is seen as a three-way relationship between Designers, Yard and Customer where at the end of the day all three parties are proud of the boat built.

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