PAL format, 51 minutes
This DVD about the Lapita Voyage was produced by James Wharram Designs for a major Marine Archaeological conference (ISBSA12) in Istanbul in October 2009.
A Major Scientific Expedition
It starts with a short history of Canoeform Craft and early Migrations into the Pacific, explained by James Wharram with the help of maps and photos. Then follows a film of the launching and sailing of the Lapita Voyage boats, which culminates in navigating without instruments the last open ocean stretch to Anuta and the wonderful welcome on the island where the boat is hauled up the beach by the Anutans. In the final part of the film we discover the ancient collection of canoes on Anuta and follow the Anutan crew as they sail and navigate the boat to Tikopia.
The Lapita Voyage, with its unique opportunities for research, was a major expedition in Experimental Marine Archaeology, but was also a fantastic sailing adventure. The two boats met squalls, storms and days of calms. They sailed without engines or escort boat in the remote seas of the Pacific.
This DVD is a must for anyone who has followed the voyage on the website, but also for anyone with an interest in where the history of the modern catamaran began.