Stitch or Clamp?

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Anonymous (not verified)
Stitch or Clamp?
I'm constructing the "I" beams for my Tiki-21 and am considering using the clamps I already own instead of the drill, stitch and glue process described in the plans. Any comments will be appreciated. Thanks, Bruce
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Stitch or Clamp?
apply wet epoxy to timber and its as slippery as an oiled rat The stitches are very handy at stopping the slip . If you are very cleaver you may be able to stitch it loosely , then squirt glue into the gaps . Then tighten the stitches . Oddly clamps often are a good way of drawing things together so you can stitch them
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Stitch or Clamp?
We find that a combination of clamps stitches and temporary screws works the best. The main thing is fair even pressure. You want to avoid over clamping as you will end up with epoxy starved joints which will fail. You also want to avoid forcing an unfairness into the joint, just be tight enough to get full squeeze-out. David