Keel skegs and windward ability on the larger Tiki"s

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Anonymous (not verified)
Keel skegs and windward ability on the larger Tiki"s
I've noticed that on the Tiki 30,38, and 46 there are skegs below the keel which increase the draft. Are these for increased windward performance? And how much of an improvement do they make. I sailed a friends 26 recently and I was pointing relatively high(we didn't have a compass with us so I can't say precisely what the degrees between tacks but we were making ground to windward) without a skeg. Why do the larger Tiki's need them? Scaling off the study plans, the increase in the draft for the 30 appears to be 5-6" and in the 38, 8-9". Can they be eliminated and the rudders surface area increased, realizing that you'll lose a little(don't know how much) in windward ability? Steve