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Visual accounts of what Wharram owners are doing with their boats. Includes professionally made films about long voyages and ocean passages, ongoing video blogs of liveaboard adventurers, home made footage of sailing, documentaries of building, and instructional videos.
Tiki Designs
Pahi Designs
Ethnic Designs
Classic Designs
Hitia Designs
Islander Designs
Tiki Turtle Tours
Tiki 26 ‘Dragonfly’ is now doing charters in Kefalonia. There’s a lot of fun to be had on a small Wharram!
2 Dogs, 1 Catamaran!
A voyage through the Caribbean on Tiki 30 Zig Zag. Our journey from St. John to St. Martin was a very hard upwind sail of 165 nautical miles.
ZigZag Sailing
YouTube ChannelWelcome aboard Zig Zag, a Wharram Tiki 30. Join us on the incredible journey that began four years ago on my parent’s driveway – a dream to build a vessel for global exploration.
Wharram Women – Then And Now
By Kiana Weltzien. Shows James Wharram building Tehini in 1969 with adventurous women and then her own adventures on an old Narai across the Caribbean and later the Atlantic.
Solo Atlantic Crossing
By Kiana Weltzien. This is a scenic video of my solo West to East Atlantic Crossing in 2020, escaping from Spanish lockdown to be closer to my family near the Caribbean.
Sailing the Mediterranean
This Trip was made on Pilgrim, a home built Tiki 38. From Marseilles, France, to Cyclades, Greece, and back. Includes stunning drone footage.
The Atlantic Crossing Of Pilgrim
After Building his boat for 5 years, Jacques and his crew take on the Atlantic ocean, and everything it throws at them. Essential viewing!
Sailing the South Coast of Australia
Port Lincoln in SA to Cactus. Sailed through some horrible weather but also had some beautiful times around the rugged coast and islands of the west coast.
Build Or Buy My Dream Catamaran?
Mark of Wildlings Sailing visits James Wharram Designs in Cornwall, and speaks to Hanneke Boon about his plans to build or buy his dream boat for sailing around the world.
Anchored on Spirit of Gaia
When Hanneke Boon invited us to Portugal to experience living on Spirit of Gaia, how could we refuse? We hopped aboard Gaia to learn all we can about this minimalist traditional boat.
Build Or Buy My Dream Catamaran?
Mark of Wildlings Sailing visits James Wharram Designs in Cornwall, and speaks to Hanneke Boon about his plans to build or buy his dream boat for sailing around the world.
Glassing With Epoxy
Sheathing a hull of the Wharram Mana 24 with glass and epoxy, by Hanneke Boon of James Wharram Designs. Useful for anyone starting, to avoid the many possible errors and mishaps.
Mana 24 – Assembling Lower Hull
Step by step informative record of assembling the lower hull of the CNC kit Mana 24 catamaran.
Making Perfect Epoxy Fillets
Real time demonstration of making a perfect epoxy fillet using WEST epoxy and Microspheres Blend filler. The boat featured in this video is the CNC kit Mana 24.
Spirit of Gaia 30th Birthday
A personal tribute to Gaia and her creators. This video was shot in Greece September 2021. It was James Wharram’s last sail on Gaia. He tells us what Gaia meant to him.
Hands Free Across the Atlantic
This video gives an introduction to the Wharram Self Steering Windvane, a low tech, low cost, reliable self steering system allowing endless hands free sailing.
Canoes of Anuta
There are 70 canoes on the island of Anuta, which have a history going back at least 2-300 years, probably much longer. They are a unique V shaped hull design.
Art On Water
Slideshow collection of Wharram catamarans from around the world.
Parade of Sail: Wharram Hui 2022
A Parade of Sail for James & Ruth Wharram at the Wharram Hui 2022. Falmouth, Saturday 23rd July.
Wharram Hui Cornwall 2018
A second Hui gathering in Cornwall, July 2018. Attended by 10 boats and 60 people at the BBQ party. Sadly the weather was not great, but a lot of fun was had.
Wharram Hui Cornwall 2017
Micro Adventure Sailing Hui in the Fal Estuary on 4-6th August 2017. Eleven Wharram catamarans gathered in Devoran and sailed on a short Adventure.
60th Anniversary of Wharram Tangaroa
A celebration of the 60th anniversary of James’ maiden voyage on Tangaroa. Centre stage is the new Mana 24, the same length as the original Tangaroa.
Hanneke’s Pecha Kucha Presentation
An illustrated 6 minute poem of Hanneke, from a young girl sailing with her father, ending up as a boatbuilder, ocean sailor and designer. Presented in Amsterdam.
Lapita Voyage, Arrival In Anuta
This video shows the final stage of the voyage on the double canoe ‘Lapita Anuta’ featuring her arrival at the 1Nm long island of Anuta to an exuberant welcome by the island’s population.
Hui Wharram Rendezvous, Florida
Wharram Rendezvous in Islamorada, Florida Keys, May 2012. A meeting of Wharram catamarans attended by James Wharram and Hanneke Boon.
Amatasi at Brest and Douarnenez Festivals
The Wharram 27ft Amatasi prototype took part in Les Tonnerres de Brest and Temps Fetes Douarnenez in July 2012.
The Launching Of Amatasi
85 people gathered at Wharram HQ to celebrate the award winning eco fishing boat Amatasi entering the water, including old friends, press and television.
Golden Oldies Gathering
James and Hanneke visit the gathering of classic multihulls ‘The Golden Oldies’ in the South of France. Here they met American designer Dick Newick.
Hitia 14
Sem Classe
Crossing of the “Straw Sea” (Mar da Palha) in Portugal, in a home built Hitia 14. Fast sailing action.
Construction Timelapse
Hitia 14 ‘Sem Classe’ being constructed picture by picture, and showing off her sailing abilities.
Building Wharram Sailboats
YouTube ChannelNumerous (70 and counting) and very detailed videos documenting the meticulous construction of a Hitia 14, in Bangkok, Thailand.
Melanesia 16
Sailing a Melanesia in Croatia
GoPro footage of a newly built Melanesia slicing through the waves in a force 3, Croatia.
Sailing a Melanesia in France
Watch the boat being assembled on the beach and then sailed in the sunshine.
Smaller The Ship, Bigger The Fun
Melanesia being assembled and rigged, followed by a gentle sail on a river in Holland.
Melanesia, Paddling Version
The paddling only version of the Melanesia as demonstrated in Hawaii.
Hitia 17
Tiki 21
Building a Tiki 21
From cutting out the pieces, assembling and fiberglassing the hull. Florida, USA.
Vienna To Venice Voyage
Newly built Tiki 21 “Saus und Braus” takes on a coastal trekking voyage around the Balkans. 3000 miles from Vienna to Venice, in 98 days.
Coastal Cruising
Cruising a Tiki 21 on the south coast of Devon, UK, June 2016. Exmouth to Brixham, Noss Mayo (River Yealm), Dartmouth and back.
Beto at 14.6 knots
Well, we surpassed the 14 knot goal and probably got over 15 after I had to put the phone away. The leeward hull was spraying like hell!
Across The Atlantic
Tiki 21 ‘Cookie’ goes all the way across the North Atlantic riding the tops of just two high pressure zones. What a gift from the gods!
Moving Hulls..
A partially completed Tiki 21 moves downstairs through a hatch after its hull construction work was completed in an upstairs workshop.
Tahiti Wayfarer 21
Tahiti Wayfarer In Action
Sailing the Wharram Ethnic ‘Tahiti Wayfarer’ design in Restronguet Creek and sailing together with the Wharram ‘Mana 24’ in Carrick Roads in Cornwall.
Wharram Ethnic Designs
Fast sailing of the Tahiti Wayfarer with three crew members, also featured is the Melanesia outrigger and Amatasi
Racing a Tahiti Wayfarer
Fun footage of Tahiti Wayfarer ‘Taïo Taïo’ racing against a lateen rigged Optimist.
Hinemoa 23
Mana 24
Prairie Mermaid
The boat was built over the winter of 2018/19 and has been sailing for three seasons on Lake Diefenbaker, on Treaty 6 Territory in the country known as Canada.
Boat In A Box
The story of a boat in a box – how a kit of plywood pieces and components transformed into a beautiful vessel. Follows the construction until its launch in June 2018.
Assembling The Lower Hull
Step by step informative record of assembling the lower hull of the CNC kit Mana 24 catamaran.
Hull Assembly Timelapse
The assembly of the Mana 24’s lower hulls condensed into 2 minutes and 30 seconds. The work took 2 hours to complete.
Tiki 26
Tiki Turtle Tours
Tiki 26 ‘Dragonfly’ is now doing charters in Kefalonia. There’s a lot of fun to be had on a small Wharram!
Winter Passage: Kos To Kefalonia
Sailing across Greece in self built catamaran ‘Dragonfly’, including crossing the Corinth isthmus on a truck.
30 Months On A 26 Foot Sailing Boat
All about my journey on Wayan, a Tiki 26 sailing catamaran. This video is a recording of slightly adapted powerpoint I presented in several sailing clubs in Luzern, Switzerland.
Tiki 26 ‘Wayan’ On Cruise
Lovely footage of Tiki 26 ‘Wayan’ on a holiday cruise, Autumn 2013.
Pahi 26
Pahi 31
Tiki 8m
Amatasi 27
Amatasi at Brest and Douarnenez Festivals
The Wharram 27ft Amatasi prototype took part in Les Tonnerres de Brest and Temps Fetes Douarnenez in July 2012.
Amatasi sailing to Helford River
The prototype of Amatasi, 27ft Wharram Ethnic Design, sails from Falmouth to the Helford river in Cornwall.
Launch Of Amatasi Prototype
85 people gathered at Wharram HQ to celebrate the award winning eco fishing boat Amatasi entering the water, including old friends, press and television.
Sailing On The River Fal
Amatasi goes for a sunny daysail on the river Fal, Cornwall.
Tiki 30
ZigZag Sailing
YouTube ChannelWelcome aboard Zig Zag, a Wharram Tiki 30. Join us on the incredible journey that began four years ago on my parent’s driveway – a dream to build a vessel for global exploration.
Personal Tour of our Seafaring Dreams
Welcome to our Wharram Tiki 30, Zig Zag! Join us as we take you through the basics of our newly built double canoe. We have been working for four years to make this dream a reality.
2 Dogs, 1 Catamaran!
A voyage through the Caribbean on Tiki 30 Zig Zag. Our journey from St. John to St. Martin was a very hard upwind sail of 165 nautical miles.
Lisbon To Spain
Coastal trekking on a Tiki 30 catamaran along the Portuguese coast from Lisbon to Spain. Some beautiful footage of Dolphins swimming with the boat!
Coastal Trekking In Brazil
Sailing Rogerio Martin’s ‘TikiRio’ along the coast from Urca to Itacuruçá, Rio De Janeiro.
From The Air
Beautiful aerial footage of charter boat ‘Taboo’ in North Moorea.
Busket In Action
Tiki 30 ‘Busket’ on a brisk day sail. Footage taken from another boat.
Jersey Dolphins
Tiki 30 “Moku” joined by bottlenose dolphins off Jersey’s east coast.
Building Buldur
A slide show of Tiki 30 ‘Buldur’ being built from the ground up, from ply hull cutouts to a beautiful finished boat.
Sailing Baldur
Our maiden voyage on Baldur, from Newhaven UK to Porto Santos. We’ve got so many happy and positive reactions wherever we’ve been sailing!
Tangaroa 36
Sailing The Great Australian Bight
We sailed across the Great Australian Bight on our Wharram catamaran! We are a young couple from South Australia, adventuring via the Western Australian coast.
Sailing the South Coast of Australia
Port Lincoln in SA to Cactus. Sailed through some horrible weather but also had some beautiful times around the rugged coast and islands of the west coast.
Sailing Tangaroa
YouTube ChannelWe (Hannah and James) live on our 37ft Wharram catamaran, sailing around Australia, Indonesia & the South Pacific. Humble gypsies frothing on the simple life!
Tama Moana 38
The Lapita Voyage
Two double canoes, based on the ancient canoe form of Anuta and Tikopia, set out on a 4,000Nm voyage to recreate the migration route of the ancient Polynesians.
Life In The Pacific
Glenn has built his own Tama Moana and lives a humble life sailing between the islands of the Pacific.
Lapita Voyage, Arrival In Anuta
This video shows the final stage of the voyage on the double canoe ‘Lapita Anuta’ featuring her arrival at the 1Nm long island of Anuta to an exuberant welcome by the island’s population.
Tiki 38
Sailing the Mediterranean
This Trip was made on Pilgrim, a home built Tiki 38. From Marseilles, France, to Cyclades, Greece, and back. Includes stunning drone footage.
The Atlantic Crossing Of Pilgrim
After Building his boat for 5 years, Jacques and his crew take on the Atlantic ocean, and everything it throws at them. Essential viewing!
Chasing The Sunrise (Documentary)
This is a full documentary with crew commentary about Tiki 38 Pilgrim’s first Atlantic crossing. Good times, hardships, and everything in between.
Storms, Speed Records, Freediving
Visual documentary of ‘Pilgrim’ sailing the Tyrrhenian Sea. Smashing through the waves at 19 knots, beautiful underwater and aerial footage. Inspirational viewing.
Luckyfish Boat Tour (Interior)
We check out all the space below decks – the parts you often don’t get to see in our other videos. We are excited to show you aboard our amazing catamaran!
Luckyfish Boat Tour (Deck)
In Part 1 we checked out the cabins. In this video we take a walk through the features above deck and explain much of the gear you have seen in previous videos.
Living On A Catamaran
An interview with Brett, a liveaboard Tiki 38 sailor who spends his days sailing the Australian waters. Includes a tour below decks.
Building a Tiki 38
YouTube PlaylistHighly detailed video blogs about the construction of a Tiki 38 in Thailand, from the YouTube channel ‘Building Wharram Sailboats’.
Pilgrim Sailing
YouTube ChannelFantastic collection of well produced, inspiring footage from home made Tiki 38 catamaran ‘Pilgrim’ and her various ocean and coastal voyages.
Luckyfish Gets Away
YouTube ChannelWe are sailing a beautiful catamaran that didn’t cost the earth. We crossed the Atlantic. We are now cruising the Caribbean before crossing the Pacific.
Jumpa Lagi
Sailing in the Philippines. Wharram cats are fast! Seen here sailing at 7-8 knots in 10-15 knots of wind, with one reef in, and towing a dinghy.
Tiki 38 Marabu in action.
Panarai Sailing – Construction of Hulls
See the hulls come together in this time lapse video of the construction of a beautiful Tiki 38 built in Poland.
Wharram Women – Then And Now
By Kiana Weltzien. Shows James Wharram building Tehini in 1969 with adventurous women and then her own adventures on an old Narai across the Caribbean and later the Atlantic.
Solo Atlantic Crossing
By Kiana Weltzien. This is a scenic video of my solo West to East Atlantic Crossing in 2020, escaping from Spanish lockdown to be closer to my family near the Caribbean.
Nice shots of Narai MK IV ‘Indigo’, a Wharram Classic Design, gracing Croatian waters.
Narai MK II ‘Chehili’ dancing over the water at 8 knots in the Ionian sea.
Pahi 42
Pahi 42 ‘Anuanua’
Sets its ‘crab’ main and heads for the Med and south west.
Sailing a Pahi 42 ‘Toccata’ from Alderney – Channel Islands to Dielette. Fun aerial/GoPro footage.
Sailing through the first Gulf war
This is the video we made during the building in Bahrain and also of our sailing through the first Gulf War in 1988. We were the only yacht sailing in the Gulf at that time!
Tiki 46
Grazia Boat Tour
Meet the owners of Tiki 46 ‘Grazia’, learn about their liveaboard sailing lifestyle and take a virtual tour of the boat.
From the Mountains To The Boatyard
Part of an excellent series documenting a Tiki 46 build. This video looks at attaching the upper hull panels, before moving her to the other side of the continent.
Crossing The Atlantic
Atmospheric short home made film about day to day life crossing the Atlantic ocean on a Tiki 46. From Tenerife to Tobago in three weeks.
Tiki 46
Promo shots for the Wharram Tiki 46 catamaran, showing deck and interior.
Building Ma’tiki
YouTube ChannelOngoing video documentary about the building of Tiki 46 Ma’tiki in the USA. Well produced and inspiring footage. Viewing highly recommended.
Oro 46
DIY Solar Powered Sailboat
Simon has transformed this derelict sailboat into an epic off-grid solar-powered and fossil-fuel free cruising catamaran. He’s been living aboard and renovating the boat for the past 3.5 years.
Cruising On Las Sirenas
Take a look around the ‘Las Sirenas’ – an Oro 46 charter dive boat. An exploration of the many nooks, crannies and cosy spaces on this large blue water cat!
Pahi 52
Enlarged Pahi 53 Expedition Boat
Adventure seeker Matt Knight gives a tour of his enlarged Pahi 52 and of the simple, practical solutions inherent in the design.
The Journey
World renowned big wave surfer Andrew Cotton searches for the next big swell in remote pockets of the world. The Pahi 52 makes the perfect expedition ship.
Calagorm Sets Sail For Greece
Pahi 52 ‘Calagorm’ motors out of harbour, hoists her striking red sails and makes her way to Greece.
Islander 55
Life On An Epic Sailboat In Japan
Daniel and his family of 5 travel the world on their stunning 55ft Islander but for the last couple of years have called the inland sea of Japan home.
Sailing Japan Tour
Video and photo montage showing Islander 55 ‘Tiare’ cruising through some of the many islands that make up Japan’s inland sea.
Pahi 63
Anchored on Spirit of Gaia
When Hanneke Boon invited us to Portugal to experience living on Spirit of Gaia, how could we refuse? We hopped aboard Gaia to learn all we can about this minimalist traditional boat.
Largyalo In Action
Cinematic footage of boat and crew in action in the Ionian sea. The boat featured is an enlarged Pahi 63 (extended to 65′).
Largyalo In A Gale
Pahi 63 ‘Largyalo’ rides 5 metre waves at 14 knots in a force 8-9 while passing Isola di Levanzo, Sardinia, Italy.
Largyalo In A Thunderstorm
Atmospheric footage of enlarged Pahi 63 ‘Largyalo’ navigating a thunder storm in the Ionian sea.
Spirit of Gaia 30th Birthday
A personal tribute to Gaia and her creators. This video was shot in Greece September 2021. It was James Wharram’s last sail on Gaia. He tells us what Gaia meant to him.
Daysail In Greece
We sailed the Wharram flagship ‘Spirit of Gaia’ (Pahi 63) from Trizonia to Messolonghi marina, so she could be lifted out for a major refit.
The Lapita Voyage
Two double canoes, based on the ancient canoe form of Anuta and Tikopia, set out on a 4,000Nm voyage to recreate the migration route of the ancient Polynesians.
The Building And Sailing Of Tehini
Filmed by Ruth Wharram in the early days. Tehini was one of the largest cats of her time, built in less than 2 years with mainly hand tools. Her first voyages were to North Spain and Holland.
From The Archives
Tangaroa Prepares For Atlantic Crossing
This fantastic clip captures the beginning of James’ career. From Falmouth the little 23′ Tangaroa sailed across the Bay of Biscay and crossed the Atlantic.
World Voyagers Arrive In Dublin
James and crew arrive home in the UK in 1960 after two successful Atlantic crossings, the latter of which was the first successful crossing of its kind by catamaran.
To Tell The Truth
James Wharram appears alongside Sir Edmund Hillary on the American gameshow ‘To Tell The Truth’ in 1959, after his first successful Atlantic crossing.
Tehini And Anuanua
The 51′ Tehini was James Wharram’s home for 12 years. In this video she is seen sailing alongside ‘Anuanua’ in North Wales, 1969.