The end of a perfect day

Home โ€ฃ Peace IV โ€ฃ The end of a perfect day

It has been such a perfect day, I just wish I could wrap it up with pretty paper, put a bow on top, and send it off to you. We are just now doing 8 knots on a reach with only main and jib up and there are white caps on these ultra clear tropical waters which sparkle in the warm sunshine. Our skin tingles with the fresh breeze over it all warmed by the sun.

I am sure the boat could handle the third sail up and she would likely make a speed record, but now and again there is a little splash on the foredeck, so we are happy enough as we are, all relaxed and dreamy and making plans for three months of this kind of sailing.

We got plenty of salt water on deck the night before last while crossing the Gulf Stream! We knew we should have waited for a litle more south to come into the wind, but our patience with the biting bugs of Florida was at an end, and we knew the Bahamas are bug free. So we motored and motored through the night crossing and a little more in the morning until we got to Mangrove Cay, got the anchor down, and got some rest. The south wind began almost immediately, of course… Grrr.

So tomorrow we will be in Green Turtle Cay where we have complete weather protection, excellent holding, no bugs, and a nice beach walk on the way to the most pleasant and honest customs office we know. I usually find something nice on that beach like rope, shells, or plastic boxes. If not, there is always the detour through the dump where Nev hopes to find some thick alloy bar for a fix job he has. We have several little fix jobs and then we will go scrub the boat bottom again because it sure needs it.

This Christmas we plan to join the African culture dancing at the Junkanoo parade and maybe see some Maypole dancing too. Only in the Bahamas are the cultures so well mixed.

I will keep this short because email is expensive while we are in the Bahamas. And we will be lucky to find a working phone to send and receive it in many places, so please forgive any delays at our end.

Our best wishes to all for a Happy Holiday Season and also for the New Year ahead.

Love, Ann and Nev

Peace Four

Anne and Neville Clement, 2004


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