Continuing south after Whilma

Home โ€ฃ Peace IV โ€ฃ Continuing south after Whilma

The hurricane that wandered, Whilma seemed intent on frightening all our friends and relations. Thanks to all who care so much! We are just fine and we only had 45 knots of wind and lots of rain to complain about. Our Fortress 55 anchor with about 6 to 1 scope in Baltimore inner harbor, held us quite securely. We had been “the mother ship” for the Polynesian Catamaran Association of Wharram catamaran owners and builders and had rain almost every day. My cough needed more time to heal, so we decided to weather the storm in place. The anchor20 people came and Andy Soliwoda made extensive progress getting Kaimu up together while we were there. His new crew member, Bev Rocco, is full of energy and Dottie and Andy are working hard to keep up! It looks like there will be a summer meet there in 2006 when weather conditions are more gentle!

Yesterday we had a good, jib only, sailing trip in reaching winds 25 to 35 knots down the Chesapeake to South River, south of Annapolis and a quiet night up Harness Creek. This morning we got all up and sailed in decreasing winds which are now helped along by one motor running gently in bright sunshine. But it is definitely still cocoa weather. We come near to freezing at night now and are wearing winter clothing all the time. The all over tans fade fast!

I will send this out early so nobody else will need to worry about us. But I do ask that all our Florida friends who were in Whilma’s path, please write us a short note to say you are ok. WE are still worried about YOU!

Love, Ann and Nev

Peace Four

Anne and Neville Clement, 2006

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