Peace IV has good news! Boat haul out

Home โ€ฃ Peace IV โ€ฃ Peace IV has good news! Boat haul out

A nearby boat yard has agreed to haul us and to haul our mast too. The cost will be more than 1000 bucks, but it is still a pretty good price.

The date will be sometime near to June 15 or so whenever another boat gets launched so we can get in. It is Brewer’s Boat Yard in Cove Haven and the latitude is 41* 45.09’N and the longitude is 71* 21.23’W so you can click on google and then go to Map Quest, and then print out a map.

We will let you know more exact dates and times just in case you happen to be nearby with a gentle orbital sander, extension cord, and some 100 grit paper. We will have beer and coke for the end of the day and ice to go with it.

We are rejoicing!

Ann and Nev

Peace Four

Anne and Neville Clement, 2006

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