New builders, I and my wife are!!

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Anonymous (not verified)
New builders, I and my wife are!!
Hello All, My wife and I did the hi-five this morning and agreed to build a Tiki 30! We'll start burning up the credit card when we get back home in a few days with a secure connection, can't wait! We chose the Tiki 30 after sailing with David of boatsmithFl on his stunning Tiki 30. It was not configured as we need so too many changes would be needed for us, but he has done a beautiful job on his build, very, very professional quality and would suggest anyone in the market not to over look his boat. Since I have some research time on my hands I was hoping someone could give me a copy of the materials list. Not even a full list just some of the bigger stuff, plywood, epoxy, lumber. Thanks Ed
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: New builders, I and my wife are!!
Hi Ed, I may be able to help you. What do you need exactly? Bill
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: New builders, I and my wife are!!
Hi searider, Just a list of a few of the major items would be great .e.g. (21) 9mm 4x8 plywood, 100gallon epoxy,...... Did you build a Tiki30? Have a web site documenting? Thanks Ed
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: New builders, I and my wife are!!
Also join Wharram builders & friends.
dave english (not verified)
Materials list

Hi Ed.

I have just bought the Tiki 30 plans.

You will need 29 sheets of 6mm ply, 18 sheets of 9mm ply, and a fair bit of 70x19 and 45x19mm stringers,

and about 5 x 20kg tubs of resin & hardener.

Also, buy the Goudgeon Bros book on boat construction, as the Wharram building methods for the Tiki are basically lifted straight out of this book, and it gives a good overall understanding of the methods.

The plans are well worth the money as they quite sophisticated yet simple, making a complex design fairly straight forward to build.

I am in Melbourne Australia, and have bought Hoop ply as it is better made than the gaboon or meranti imported stuff, more layers, all hoop pine, and the veneers are as thick as the middle boards.

I havent bought the stringers yet as I am concerned about rot. We dont have a good supply of old growth douglas fir and the local hardwoods are too heavy. I can get western red cedar, but it is soft and not strong, or Meranti is cheap and plentigul, but only class4 in terms of rot. Having said that, I have a 50 year old dinghy with Meranti stringers and they are as good as new.


Like to hear anyone elses view on timber and ply.


Dave English.

larry dorsett
Last seen: 9 years 9 months ago
Joined: 26/04/2014 - 00:09

Hi guys.I used good quality tanalised slaters roofing batten, imade sure it was well dry,then i sanded it.i had plenty of it laying about,and couldnt think any reason why has not posed any problems.against rot it is twice protected,once with tanalisation and then with a good and cheerfull..