Tiki 31 Espace

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Anonymous (not verified)
Tiki 31 Espace

Hi All,
I am the proud owner of a neglected Tiki 31 Espace. I am renovating her and need help. I have scanned the forums and can't find any mention of an Espace. She is a glass and foam sandwich construction has two masts and is schooner rigged ie twin headsails and a mizzen. to explain the two headsails are rigged one to each mast.
This is where I need help the rig was loose when I bought her, I have tightened it to stop it vibrating but I have no idea of how tight to tension it. both forstays are roller reefing and each mast has two shrouds.
Oh and anyone have any idea who may have built her she was first registered in 1994 I think.
Thanks to anyone that can help
David & Tracey

Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
Joined: 07/01/2015 - 05:15
Hello David & Tracy the

Hello David & Tracy the builders name is Dave Hender who lives in New Zealand . You can contact him at bigtiddles69@gmail.com.
Hope this helps you - she was a fine boat in her day